Cycling is not only about pushing the pedals. There’s much more to know
Recreational cycling has become one of the growing sports trends both in the World and in Croatia as well. We are witnessing an increased number of cyclists in all age groups cycling everywhere and in different terrains. Forest, road, city, commute to work, college, gym, etc. The whole world of bicycles is growing every day and buying a bicycle nowadays requires a demanding research job.
A helmet on the head keeps a hospital bed away

The most important thing about cycling it the helmet. As the proverb itself says “The helmet keeps the head”. Whether you use a bike only as a mean of transport, or you are cycling professionally, falls are inevitable. The fall from a bicycle can be fatal so we should take some necessary measures against it. Falling from a bike usually means our head will hit first. Because of its weight in relation to the body we can hardly keep it at the height of the body during the impact, and therefore it can be mainly among the first parts of the body that hits the ground.
Why should a helmet brake?

Usually people are not aware of it but helmet is for “one-time” use. It the helmet is good it should crack after a fall. Cracked helmet means that it transferred the impact from the head to the helmet keeping your head safe. When choosing the right model, make sure you have the GS mark on the inside, because it means that it has passed the test. Size depends on the age and model. The last thing is to ensure that it is properly secured and that you chose the correct size. You can easily check this by rotating your head from left to the right. The helmet should stay tight on the head. There should be enough space for 2 fingers under the strap and chin to have it correctly attached.
Cycling rules
As bikers we are traffic participants. If we have a track, we use it but we should look after other cyclists or pedestrians that are on our tracks. We should cross the zebra on foot if there are no cycling paths around zebra, . If we are riding on a part of the road where with no marked paths then we have the right on the right side of the roadway, say half. The left side is strictly forbidden. This must become an automatic because when think of a going a little faster down the hill we want to have a safe look and take all the bends in the right side. We can use all county, state, city roads, however road and motorways are forbidden. While riding on the road, the cars will see you and they will avoid you. You should continue holding your direction firmly. Always keep in mind that there should be no sudden change in direction. Someone may come from behind and you cannot hear or see it.
Pedaling technique
The main thing giving us speed and power is turning and pushing the pedals (except the new e-bike models where we have engine assistance) Swing, cadence, pedal stroke, whatever you want to call it, it is important to learn rotating the pedals without stopping. Initially it takes time but the body quickly learns how to make a movement.It takes 10 000 times for the body to automate the movement which you will catch in a couple of days on the bike. Most beginner bikers mistake thinking if they pedal slower it will be easier and better. WRONG!! More speed means more durability and you will be able to pedal without muscular fatigue for a longer time. Lower turn speed and cadences use too much muscle power from white muscle cells. They are unable to work for a longer period of time but are able to produce more power so it could initially seem that it is easier. Soon you will realize that with easier but faster turns you can ride faster, longer and more efficient.