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Here’s a quick tip if you like working out: Wear socks that are suitable for your workout! WebMD notes that wearing the wrong socks is a major cause of workout-related foot problems. This is because socks are the barrier between your skin and the shoe, and if your socks don’t protect your feet well enough, they’ll be at risk of injury or irritation. With that in mind, we have prepared this guide to help you choose the right socks for your workouts.

What’s your workout?

Your workout is what dictates which pair of socks you should wear. For instance, if your workout is either running or jogging, the specially designed running socks we offer here at Dogma are the standard. This is because they offer flat cushioning levels, along with ultralight, functional materials. These ensure lightness of feet and speed, as well as adequate foot protection. Those who bike, on the other hand, must wear nice and thin bike socks, as they’ll ensure good pedal contact and energy transmission. Our bike-specific socks here at Dogma do just that, and even feature a super breathable mesh that offers ventilation for your feet.

The choice of socks is even more critical in workouts where the only footwear is your socks. Barre classes are a good example, which Fitness Magazine describes as great for muscle toning, because it focuses on isometric training and requires the use of grip socks. These are socks where the bottom part is lined with rubber-like dots or patterns that prevent slippage, and is great for barre classes as there are plenty of feet and leg movements involved. The use of grip socks is also applicable in yoga, as they help yogis keep their form better. So, if your workouts don’t need traditional footwear and involve a lot of feet and leg movements, do get yourself some of these special socks.

What’s your size?

Getting the right size of socks is also crucial, but gear expert Lisa Jhung says it is often overlooked. “Socks are often an afterthought, but wearing the wrong kind — ones that fit poorly or are simply not right for your activity — can ruin your workout,” explains Jhung. For example, socks that are too big will bunch up, and that can be irritating. Socks that are too tight, on the other hand, are likely to slip down, leaving your heel vulnerable to blisters. So, make it a point to fit socks first before buying them. If you need sizing help, feel free to drop by at any of Dogma’s brick-and-mortar stores. We’ll make sure you get the right sized socks for your workout.

What about compression?

Compression socks are best worn for aerobic exercises and high-intensity interval training. Case in point, a study published in the Journal of Science and Sports about compression socks notes how wearing these specialized footwear positively impacts exercise performance. Such improvements are linked to improved oxygen delivery, as well as reduced muscle oscillation. Furthermore, Healthline explains that compression socks apply pressure on your feet and legs, which, in turn, increases both the velocity and volume of blood flow, thereby helping it return to the heart better. At the same time, enhanced blood flow prevents chronic venous insufficiency, a condition where blood pools on your lower limbs, particularly your feet, and can cause swelling, as well as leg pain and tiredness. Such could keep you from working out optimally, and is why we advise you to wear compression socks for long and intense workouts.

Article specially written for

By Jana Brim

Running became a very popular activity turning it almost into a fashion activity and many question why is it like that? There is an increasing number of races each year, and weekends are reserved for competitions, friends, stress, but in general a lot of fun. Fashion or not, increased physical activity amongst general population should be a positive way to go. Every runner’s dream is finishing a marathon one day and a marathon length is something mythological.

Am I crazy if I want to run a Marathon?

Well, there is certainly a bit of craziness in every Marathon runner however it is not enough for finishing one. Good physical and mental preparation are a key to success, probably like with every sports competition otherwise we could do a big damage to our body. Each new running week means increasing the length and distance. The hardest of all is definitely the inner fight, increasing those miles daily, trying to find time and motivation. If you are a total beginner, then 1-2 years of constant training could be enough to finish your first marathon. And if you run daily, with slow increase in lengths and within 8-16 weeks you could be ready. It will certainly take a lot of time since you have to run few hours per day to achieve the necessary endurance. The key is to progress slowly in order to avoid injuries which will make you start from zero. And this is the hardest point in every athlete’s life.

Marathon day

Thousands of thoughts will pass through your head in those moments, but probably the most you’ll think is why did I sign up for this? When fighting with pain, cramps and motivation, not many will find the energy to continue. However, reaching those mystical 42 Km will make you feel invincible. It’s a special feeling and you’ll be among few who made it. You’ll forget all the negative things and start thinking about the next one in the calendar.

Running with friends could help find motivation
dogmasocks run falcon neon side design
Pay attention to equipment and socks you’ll use.

Most famous Marathons in the world

In case you just found motivation to join one, here’s a list of the most famous Marathons around the world:

  1. Boston Marathon (April)
  2. Athens Authentic Marathon (November)
  3. Great Wall Marathon (May)
  4. Paris Marathon (April)
  5. London Marathon (April)
  6. Chicago Marathon (October)
  7. New York City Marathon (November)
  8. Berlin Marathon (September)
  9. Kilimanjaro Marathon (February)
  10. Tokyo Marathon (February)

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