Planning your hiking and trekking trips means also preparing quality technical gear. Usually people focus on outerwear and good footwear. However, the most overlooked piece of equipment are socks. If you use good footwear with technical socks, you’ll avoid blisters, bruises and frost bites. This means injury and stress free trip. To choose the best hiking socks model for you and the type of trip you’ll go on, it’s important to consider certain elements:
- Sock height: The right height of the sock protects against abrasion with your footwear. The sock height depends on the shoe height, as well the terrain, season and wether at the time of your trip. Dogma offers standard crew height in the Yeti and Mountain Lion model and a bit lower cuff for lower hiking shoes, easier terrain and higher temperatures in the model Mountain Goat.
- Cushioning: The amount of cushioning affects comfort and warmth and ultimately saves you from blisters. Depending on the cushioning level, Mountain Goat has the thinnest layer with cushioned toe and heel area. It is suitable for warmer days. Yeti has fully cushioned bottom sole with heels and toes, while the upper part is in single knit layer. Yeti is great for autumn and spring time when conditions are changeable. Our most technical model Mountain Lion has thicker zonal cushioning targeting critical spots on your feet. This sock is a game changer and your perfect partner for colder days and demanding hikes.
Cushioned toes and cuff for pressure points
Flat toe seamZonal foot cushioning
- Fabric: Most hiking socks feature merino wool as the primary material, but some are made mostly from polyester or nylon. Merino wool is a natural fiber grown by Merino sheep. It’s thinner and softer than regular wool making it easy to wear next to skin. It’s perfect for every adventure regardless of season. Each fiber naturally helps regulate body temperature, transports sweat away as a vapor, and eliminates odors. As well, merino wool is a naturally antibacterial. However, merino socks are usually mixed with some nylon material like polyester and polypropylene which makes them more durable and longer lasting. Higher the percentage of merino wool they tend to peel more which makes them look outdated. Some people prefer nylon socks more than merino wool. Technical nylons are different and they are designed to evaporate the moisture produced by the body. The material is light and dries quickly. Mountain goat offers technical polyester yarn while Yeti and Mountain Lion are made of the finest merino blend.

- Fit: Horrible sock fit can make your trip a disaster. Socks slipping down cause foot injuries because of wrinkles that rub on your feet. Anatomically designed socks for your left and right foot will fit better.And better fit helps prevent blisters. People with sensitive feet can as well look for a flat toe seam in the socks. These socks have a seam completely flat which doesn’t’ cause extra abrasion.
Wish you happy hiking!