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Last weekend Megi had the most challenging perfomance of this outdoor season, a very competitive international athletics meeting held in Slovenska Bistrica in Slovenija. Whereas last year, on this same competition, Megi fell short of the final 100m race by few hundredths of a second, finishing 13th, this year she completed it with flying colors. Out of 31 competitors, from all over the Europe, she finished third, setting the new personal best of 12.18s, at the same time confirming her status of currently best Croatian sprinter on 100m.

Megi in front of flags with her winning medal
This is a picture of a girl wearing Dogma Falcon run t-shirt in salmon with Dogma wrist band on both hands.

Another successful weekend for our athletes

Last Saturday our athlete Megi demonstrated again how hard training and perseverance pays off. On an international athletics meeting held in Zagreb, in very strong ladies 100m race, she finished second out of total 36 contenders. In an amazing sprint towards her silver medal, she also “demolished” her personal best – set only two weeks ago – by an astonishing third of a second.

Her new personal best in 100m, now set at 12.21s, is currently the second best result of the 2019 outdoor season in Croatia in this event. It makes Megi a very serious contender for the Croatian national track and field team, certainly for ladies 4x100m relay, but also for individual 100m.

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